SMART PATHWAY CONSULTANTS PRIVATE LIMITED (SPCPL) is private limited company providing services to multiple stakeholders from creating ideas to Impact since 2023 (Security Exchange Commission of Pakistan)
External Relations | Government Liaison | Donor Coordination
Registration of NGO/INGO with Government of Pakistan
Administration | NOCs from Government | FBR | Income Tax
Human Resources (HR)
Business Development
Collaboration | Facilitation
Finance | Procurements.
Program Development
Assessment & Evaluation
Third Party Monitoring
Organizational Assessment
Capacity Building
Inclusive Programming
Climate Change and DRM
Our aim is to offer leading-edge, top-tier, and inventive solutions and services to our clients, aiding them in contributing to a better world.
To emerge as a premier organization dedicated to fostering and fortifying inclusive institutions that prioritize the socio-economic well-being of all individuals.
Nurturing Solutions, Fostering Growth, Excellence is ingrained in every aspect of our endeavors.